Monday, June 1, 2020

June 2020

Week of June 8th
1. Google Meet: In our final class of the year we will discuss the quiz, complete a course evaluation, and end on a hopeful note by looking at how to make a difference in climate change and social justice.
*Next year you will need a Ti-84 (or higher) calculator at the beginning of school. Please let me know if you will not have one so we can make other arrangements.

Week of June 1st
1. Google Meet: 
     We will check in and discuss the plant lab and next year. Then we will take the quiz. 
HW: Plant lab due no later than June 8th please. 
Include the following:
·      map of your pot with the seeds numbered 
·      data table of the watering schedule
·      data table of observations (date, qualitative and quantitative data)
·      photo of your plant(s)… hopefully alive!
·      Conclusion:
        Summarize the data you collected (3-5 sentences)
        Describe 3 “lessons learned” in your plant lab
*The last day to submit distance learning assignments is Thursday, June 4th. (exception: Plant Lab)
*Next year you will need a Ti-84 (or higher) calculator at the beginning of school. Please let me know if you will not have one so we can make other arrangements.

Monday, May 4, 2020

May 2020

Week of May 26th
1. Google Meet: 
     We will check in and discuss any questions about Carbon Cycling and Climate Change.
     Letters of Recommendation: a quick presentation of how to ask a teacher and what to expect.
     Climate Change Solutions Jigsaw: You will be assigned an article to read, recording 3 main points. Then you will be put into a breakout room with students who have read different articles and share out your main points. Each student will submit the document of notes from all the articles on (Email Ms. Raczek if you are absent for this in class activity.)
HW: Study for 20 point Quiz week of June 1. It will be open note and taken during the class period.
         Continue caring for and collecting data from your plants.
*The last day to submit distance learning assignments is Thursday, June 4th. 

Week of May 18th
1. Google Meet: We will check in and introduce this week's topic: Carbon Cycling and Climate Change.
2. Climate Change Prior Knowledge Survey: this short survey will be completed in class. If you didn't attend, please find the link in the email I sent to you that morning.
3. Why study Climate Change? Science in America short video
4. Carbon Cycling and Climate Change Notes: watch two videos and take notes in your notebook.
     video link Part 1:
     video link Part 2:
5. Climate Change Data Analysis: Complete the handout on my website with the use of the National Climate Assessment Website (link found at bottom of my website). Submit the completed assignment to
HW: Climate Change Data Analysis due Monday, 5/25
         Continue caring for and collecting data from you plants.
Looking ahead: 
Week of May 25th... in class article jigsaw activity. How to ask a teacher for a letter of recommendation.
Week of June1st... in class assessment on distance learning.
Week of June 8th... plant lab due with share out in class. Looking ahead to next year...

Week of May 11th
1. Google Meet: We will check in and discuss the answers to the two short data analysis problems from last weeks note taking on photosynthesis. I will also introduce this week's work.
2. Photosynthesis Data Analysis: watch the video for an introduction to the physics of light and the DA problem. The handout is on my website (Photosynthesis Data Analysis). I also posted the ppt used in the video, but I really recommend you watch the video as well as look at the ppt. Submit the completed assignment to
     video link:
HW: Photosynthesis Data Analysis due Mon, 5/18

Week of May 4th
1. Google Meet: we will check in and discuss any questions you have. I will also introduce this week's work.
2. Photosynthesis Notes: watch one video and take notes in your notebook. There are also 2 short data analysis problems to complete within the video notes. We will discuss the answers in next week's google meet.
     video link:
     note: I think I say at the end that there is a part 2, but there isn't.
3. Transpiration Lab: ppt on my website. Submit typed answers/data chart/graph in document to
HW: Transpiration Lab due Monday, 5/11

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

April 2020

Week of April 27th
1. Google Meet: we will check in and discuss any questions you have. I will also give tips on food webs.
2. Catch up: there are no new assignments this week. Please use it to catch up on your work. The goal is to have all 3 assignments below completed and submitted to by Friday, May 1.
3. Plant Lab: keep watering those seeds and making observations in your data charts!

HW: Metabolism Lab, Cellular Respiration in Germinating Seeds, Ecosystem Actions (all previously assigned... hopefully completed by Friday, May 1)

Week of April 20th
1. Google Meet: (I will email link morning of meeting. Must log in using Chrome and PPS account.) We will discuss the answers to the Respirometer Reading Questions and introduce this week's material. I will also take any questions you have on material previously covered. Expected time ~ 20 minutes.

2. Ecology Notes: Watch 2 videos and take notes on Ecology.
    Part 1:
    Part 2:

3. Ecosystem Interactions Assignment: Read "Ice Paradise" article and complete Ecosystem Interactions (both found on my website). Submit to when complete. Need help with food webs? Watch this optional video:

4. Begin Plant Lab: You will need your seeds, a 4 inch pot, and soil. If you'd like to make a newspaper pot, which you can plant directly into the ground later this spring, watch this youtube video first: If you are having problems making your pot, ask for help from someone in your family! I also have a hint in the video below for the trickiest part.

Pot on left made with newspaper
(plant 5 seeds in one pot).
Pot on right made with notebook paper
(make 2 pots and plant 3 seeds in each).

Next, watch this video with instructions on how to plant your seeds and what to include in your data collection:

HW: Ecosystem Interactions due Monday, 4/27 (remember! due dates are soft)
         Keep your seeds moist and make observations.

Week of April 13th
1. Google Meet (I will email link morning of meeting. Must log in using Chrome and PPS account) to check in, discuss class expectations and answer any questions about Cellular Respiration Notes/Metabolism Lab. Be ready to tell me if you were able to find seeds!

2. Cellular Respiration in Germinating Seeds Lab - Handout and Lab ppt on my website. Submit typed answers in document to

3. Oxford Respirometers Pages (on website): read pages and answer these questions in notebook. We will discuss next week (week of 4/20). Will NOT be submitted to
     a. What is the role of the alkali in the respirometer?
     b. Why is it important to control temperature?
     c. Under what conditions could it be ethical to use animals in respirometer experiments?

HW: Cellular Respiration in Germinating Seeds Lab due Monday, 4/20

Week of April 6th 
1. Check-in with plan for IB Bio

2. Cellular Respiration Notes : 2 videos... take notes on your own. If you have questions, you can ask by email during the class period or any flex time in the week.
      Part 1:
      Part 2:

3. Metabolism Lab: Watch 2 videos and fill out Metabolism Assignment. Submit to when it is complete
      Part 1:
      Part 2:

3. Optional: watch 20 minute segment of The Universe Within

HW: Submit any late work ASAP (Body Response Lab, Reading Responses, Point Sheet, initialed Heart)
        Metabolism Lab due Friday, 3/17

Video links from over break

3/25 this link is no longer available

3/20 this link is no longer available

**Complete Reading Responses. Submit with pic of point sheet and labelled heart. Due Wed 4/1
Complete any missing assignments. 

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

March 2020

Tuesday, 3/3
1. Collect Body Response Lab drafts
2. Beyond Lincoln Presentation
3. Finish Immune System Notes?
4. The Universe Within: Immune System
5. Human Physiology Data Analysis
HW: Human Physiology DA due Thurs 3/12
        Read "Perfect Plague" (okay for RR)
        Human Physiology Test Mon 3/16
        Essential Question Outlines due Mon 3/16
        Nervous System Worksheet due Fri 3/6

Friday, 3/6
1. Collect Nervous System
2. HIV Notes
3. Reproduction Notes
HW: Human Physiology DA due Thurs 3/12
       Human Physiology Test Thurs 4/2
        Essential Question Outlines due Thurs 4/2
        Reading Responses/Point Sheet (Heart!) due Thurs 4/2
Tuesday, 3/10
1. Juniors: Science State Testing Day
2. Others: work day
HW: Human Physiology DA due Thurs 3/12
        Human Physiology Test Thurs 4/2
        Essential Question Outlines due Thurs 4/2
        Reading Responses/Point Sheet (Heart!) due Thurs 4/2

Thursday, 3/12
1. Collect Human Physiology DA
2. Finish Reproduction/IVF Notes
3. Review: Jeopardy
HW: Human Physiology Test Thurs 4/2
        Essential Question Outlines due Thurs 4/2
        Reading Responses/Point Sheet (Heart!) due Thurs 4/2


Here is a link to my first video message!

Complete Reading Responses. Submit with pic of point sheet and labelled heart. Due Wed 4/1
Complete any missing assignments. 
1. Collect Essential Questions Outline/Reading Responses and Point Sheet (Heart!)
2. Human Physiology Test
HW: prepare for test corrections

Wednesday, 3/18   **General plan as of 3/14/20, but dates not accurate and subject to change
1. Test Corrections
2. Skeleton and Joints Notes
3. Video: Muscle Fibers
4. Coordinated Movement Work Time
HW: Coordinated Movement due Fri 3/20
        Read pg. 1105-1117
        Read "Muscles, Genes and Athletic Performance" okay for RR
*Let me know if you want to opt out of the Chicken Wing Dissection today

Friday, 3/20
1. Coordinated Movement Work time and Correct
2. Muscles Notes
3. Sliding Filament Model and Skits

Tuesday, 3/31
1. Reading Responses due to Point Sheet
2. Chicken Wing Dissection
HW: Chicken Wing Dissection due Thurs 4/2

February 2020

Monday, 2/3
1. Correct Digestion Worksheet
2. Circulation Notes
3. Worktime
HW: Read Ch. 42
         Circulation and Respiration Worksheet due Tues 2/11
         Draw and Label the Heart in your notebook due Fri 2/7

Wednesday, 2/5
1. Circ Drama
2. Liver Notes
HW: Circulation and Respiration Worksheet due Tues 2/11
         Draw and Label the Heart in your notebook due Fri 2/7

Friday, 2/7
1. Initial Heart Drawing
2. Respiration Notes
3. Worktime
HW: Circulation and Respiration Worksheet due Tues 2/11
Tuesday, 2/11
1. Correct Circulation and Respiration
2. Homeostasis Notes
3. Introduce Body Response Lab: try tools, submit choices
HW: none

Thursday, 2/13
1. Body Response Lab: groups, discuss variables, procedure
HW: Pre-Lab: Background Info thru data chart due Tues 2/18

Tuesday, 2/18
1. Initial Pre-Lab
2. Class Resting Heart Rate
3. Group A Data Collection
HW: First Full Draft Body Response Lab due Wed 2/26

Thursday, 2/20
1. Group B Data Collection
HW: First Full Draft Body Response Lab due Wed 2/26

Monday, 2/24
1. Nervous System Guided Notes
2. Simulation of a Nerve Impulse
HW: Read Ch. 48
        Nervous System due Fri 3/6
        First Full Draft Body Response Lab due Wed 2/26

Wednesday, 2/26
1. Color Mark Body Response Lab
2. Impulse Physiology and Voltage Changes Notes
HW: Final Body Response Lab due Tues 3/3
         Nervous System due Fri 3/6
         Read "Chemical Messengers" (okay for RR)

Friday, 2/28
1. Synapses and Integration Notes
2. Nervous System and Drugs Online Activity: outline effects of two drugs - one must be nicotine
3. Immune System Notes
HW: Final Body Response Lab due Tues 3/3
         Nervous System due Fri 3/6

Sunday, November 3, 2019

January 2020

Monday, 1/6
1. Introduction to Essential Nutrients Analysis
2. Finish Diet and Nutrition Notes
3. BMI/Lipids Data Analysis - use Logger Pro to make graph
HW: Read and Complete "Unhappy Meals" due Wed 1/8
        Food List due Fri 1/10
        BMI/Lipids DA due Fri 1/10
        Reading Responses/Point Sheet due Tues 1/14
*All Late/Corrected Work due Tues 1/14

Wednesday, 1/8
1. Discuss and Correct Unhappy Meals
2. Vitamins Data Analysis - due today
HW: Food List due Fri 1/10
        BMI/Lipids DA due Fri 1/10
        Reading Responses/Point Sheet due Tues 1/14
*All Late/Corrected Work due Tues 1/14

Friday, 1/10
1. Discuss Final Exam/Hand out 3x5 notecard
2. Correct BMI/Lipids DA
3. Essential Nutrients Analysis - due today
HW: Reading Responses/Point Sheet due Tues 1/14
*All Late/Corrected Work due Tues 1/14

Tuesday, 1/14
1. Collect Point Sheet/Submit Reading Responses to
2. Lactose Taste Test
3. Review: Jeopardy! (Have a notecard started? You can use it!)
HW: Prepare for Final Exam

Thursday, 1/16
1. Digestion Notes (not on Semester 1 Final Exam)
HW: Prepare for Final Exam

Tuesday, 1/21 (Full 8)
1. Compare Quarter Grades
2. Review: Student Questions/Practice Data Analysis
HW: Prepare for Final Exam

Final Exams
Wednesday, 1/22: Periods 1, 2, 4
Thursday, 1/23: Periods 5, 6, 8
Friday, 1/24: Periods 3, 7

Tuesday, 1/28 
1. Return and Discuss Final Exams
2. Forecasting Discussion
3. Finish Digestion Notes
4. Endocrine Cells in Oxford Text pg. 673-4
HW: Read Ch. 41/Feedback Mechanisms
        Read "Ecosystems Inside" (okay for RR)
         Digestion Worksheet due Mon 2/3

Thursday, 1/30
1. Simulation: Joe Eats a Burger
2. The Universe Within: Digestion
3. Worktime
HW:  Digestion Worksheet due Mon 2/3

December 2019

Tuesday, 12/3
1. Return and discuss Enzymes as Agents/DA
2. Nucleic Acids Notes
3. Introduction to Dictionary of Biological Molecules Activity
4. Enzyme Lab - group planning time
HW: Dictionary due Mon 12/9
         Enzyme Pre-Lab due Thurs 12/5 (Procedure, Data Chart)
         Enzyme Pre-Lab Quiz Thurs 12/5

Thursday, 12/5
1. Enzyme Lab Quiz
2. Initial Enzyme Pre-Lab (procedure, data chart)
3. Enzyme Lab Data Collection
HW: Enzyme Pre-Lab: Background Information
         Dictionary due Mon 12/9
         Biochemistry Review due Fri 12/13
         Biochemistry Test Tues 12/17

Monday, 12/9
1. Collect Dictionary
2. Enzyme Lab Data Collection
HW: Enzyme First Draft Full Lab Report due Fri 12/13
         Biochemistry Review due Fri 12/13
         Biochemistry Test Tues 12/17

Wednesday, 12/11
1. Enzyme Lab Data Collection
2. Enzyme Lab Work Time (make graph using Logger Pro)
HW: Enzyme First Draft Full Lab Report due Fri 12/13
         Biochemistry Review due Fri 12/13
         Biochemistry Test Tues 12/17

Friday, 12/13
1.  Color Mark Enzyme Lab
2. Review: return Dictionary/correct and discuss Biochem Review
HW: Enzyme Final Draft Full Lab Report due Thurs 12/19
            (if you use flex for help, Friday ok, but no class so drop it off!)
         Biochemistry Test Tues 12/17

Tuesday, 12/17
1. Biochemistry Test
2. Enzyme Lab Revision Time
HW: Read and Complete "Unhappy Meals" due Wed 1/8
         Enzyme First Draft Full Lab Report due Fri 12/13
         Biochemistry Test Corrections Thurs 12/19

Thursday, 12/19
1. Collect both drafts of Enzyme Lab Report/Submit Final Draft to
2. Biochemistry Test Corrections
3. Start Human Nutrition Notes
HW: Read and Complete "Unhappy Meals" due Wed 1/8
         Read "Can Fat Be Fit" and "The Power of Milk" (ok for RR)
        Reading Responses/Point Sheet due Tues 1/14
*All Late/Corrected Work due Tues 1/14
*Please bring your laptop to class on Mon 1/6